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Determining the maximum Federal perdiem allotment for your taxes has never been easier for people in the aviation industry.
Why Do You Need It?
If youve been looking for a simple way to keep track of the cities and associated maximum Federal meals & incidental tax deduction during travel, look no further, this app is for you.
What Makes It Simple?
Instead of manually looking up each city this app does it for you. Type in the 3 or 4 letter airport code for the location of your overnight stay. The program does the rest and looks up the appropriate tax table entry from the latest IRS tax publication for the correct season and stores the information. At any time you can select the summary feature to see how the year is progressing and view your total federal allowable deduction. Its that simple.
When should I get it?
Download it now and use it day by day as you travel, or enter everything at the end of the year with the rest of your taxes.
Here are a few more features:
* Detailed report for your records which shows all entries made along with the associated tax table entry and deduction being applied.
* Fast data entry features such as three stroke airport code entry.
* Smart logic searches nearly 45,000 airports worldwide in seconds.
* Automatic IRS tax table look-up for Meals & Incidentals.
Weve taken user suggestions and enhanced the airport lookup feature to include both IATA and ICAO codes along with auto tax record lookup for international cities. Also, now all entries are directly linked to a tax table entry. You will always know which tax table your overnight information comes from.